It seems no matter how far we get, I find myself asking the same question…. Is love REALLY enough? I often find myself staring at my social media timeline in state of wonder and amazement when the topics of love, sex, dating and marriage come up. I’ve come to a few conclusions from this observation.. […]
Love By Design- Guest spot by @DrinksOnAnt
Love by design I left home to find you Search your soul tend to your scars Time beckoned me You and I aren’t too far apart So let the frequency of your energy sing to me Bring me gently into your captivity And when I find you Allow me to surrender my entirety Continue to […]
Things to consider before having a threesome with your partner
Things to consider before having a threesome with your partner (as a Woman) I’ve seen and heard quite a bit of debate and dialogue when it comes to the infamous ménage a trois. Kind of seems like society has a secret obsession these days with the idea of a two women in bed fawning over […]
Love Sick – (Guest spot by @DrinksOnAnt )
In the very moment I close my eyes your smile rushes to the surface of the darkness Echoes of your laugh ring out through the noise of silence I’m sick I’ve taken ill from your absence I hope my cure exists in your presence In my present condition I hunger for your connection I thirst […]
Until I Laid Eyes On You – (Guest spot by @DrinksOnAnt ) #LifeInDuality
Until I laid eyes on you I once laid eyes on beautiful enamored by its sight I fell into its clutch and it embraced me passionately I rested in its comfort and I drifted towards serendipity I dreamt in fantastic melodies Inebriated by their harmony I reveled at how I levitated from their energy Have […]
Project Desire: “Desire in the Desert” – @itsmscoco
It starts out as a soft haze That thickens as the moisture increases… There’s something on the horizon… A slow rumble from somewhere far away… Something is coming Famine across the land It yearns for the moisture… The ground opens slowly in anticipation of the rain Please let the drought end Days are dry and […]
Project Desire: “Untitled” – (Guest Spot by @kidnoble ) #LifeInDuality
Love falls from rainstorms. It over me and… Cleanses me anew. Your essence in raindrops Makes me dance under the clouds And I desire you. You touch every inch Of my body and I know This is the real thing. This is no quickly Passing shower, just enough To barely touch me. You’re a hurricane. […]
Project Desire: “Desire… as told by the Savage” (guest spot by @TrollingAssTru ) #LifeInDuality
Desire …as told by the Savage The heart, so indecisive in what it truly wants, places us in such difficult positions. This is where desire comes in. It’s a nice catalyst that allows us to weigh what is important. What you truly want over anything else. You want it so bad that there’s a need […]
Band-Aids (free write)
Sunday September 7th 2014 I awoke ready for an adventure. I have the beautifully daunting feeling that something amazing is going to happen today. Me ex once told me that sometimes it seemed like I didn’t take care of myself and it was a turn off. Had he not been at the time […]
Quick Testimony: When your SET BACK turns out to be a SET UP
Quick Testimony: When what you thought was a setback turns out to be a set up for the Future Its 3am December 8th… I woke up out of my sleep and can’t go back to sleep. My mind starts racing. Something in my spirit says “You can’t forget to be mindful of your […]