Quick Testimony: When your SET BACK turns out to be a SET UP

Quick Testimony: When your SET BACK turns out to be a SET UP

Quick Testimony: When what you thought was a setback turns out to be a set up for the Future



Its 3am December 8th… I woke up out of my sleep and can’t go back to sleep. My mind starts racing. Something in my spirit says “You can’t forget to be mindful of your blessings. What you think is a “no” is sometimes a “not right now”.

This Testimony Came To Me:

I started my business in Atlanta back in October of 2009. Just me, my cell phone, laptop and my apartment. Eventually I moved back to Arizona, where I am originally from. Business was booming, I got actual office space, began to hire staff, put an accountant and assistant on the books. Around February of 2011 my major client just stopped paying me. Stopped answering my calls, emails, text… everything. He just dropped off of the face of the planet. Being new in business and still rather young, I had ZERO fall back money. I had to let go of all of my staff, close my doors and actually look for a JOB. I was devastated, I couldn’t understand why God would put it in my heart to start this business if it wasn’t going to work. I find work at a rinky dink call center that helped people build websites/blogs. I HATED it. I hated having to clock-in and out. I hated having to ask to go on break. I hated working for someone else. However, I rather enjoyed helping customers build their websites. I began to learn all about the back end of building websites, increasing traffic, monetize, content creation, Search Engine Optimization and a bunch of other stuff I would have otherwise never learned or had to pay to take a course to learn. This job only lasted about 10 weeks. Eventually I worked things out with the client and got back to my own business.

Fast forward 3 years, I still run my business. Haven’t had to go back to work for another company since 2011. I recently built my own website for my personal blog and have helped several of my clients create business sites. The knowledge I attained from what I thought was a huge set back ended up being the very thing that has set me apart in my field and helped to fuel my success and longevity.


The condition of our lives is really contingent upon the perspective of our minds.

I hope this little story inspired somebody who thinks they’ve been hearing NO in relation to their dreams to hold out a little bit longer…. Just might be a “Not Right Now”


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